Study of Birth Records in Blisworth, 1550 - 1922


Tony Marsh  May 2014


Background:  At the March 2014 Heritage Society meeting, a presentation by Hilary Spurrier, Beryl Andrews and Robin Freeston on the analysis of births in Blisworth gave a table showing the male and female births over the period 1750 to 1920. Between 1820 and 1900 the ratio of boy to girl births was reported as anomalously high, with an average of 1.295. This is a startlingly high value of the ratio. Considered typical of present day healthy society, a figure for the “Sex Ratio at Birth” (SRB) of 1.00 to 1.06 is expected. Higher values found in backward countries and in Asia are usually associated with the infanticide of female babies for reasons of birth control. The original data used for this work was R Freeston's overall Excel file of births, marriages and deaths. The study was repeated over a limited date range and a ratio of 1.202 was obtained. The averages in ratio obtained for the first and second studies seemed to be not in satisfactory accord. It was resolved to repeat the counting using a digital software programme written in Perl rather than counting records by eye from a computer screen.

Text Processing:  Perl is ideally suited to the manipulation of text. It is capable of detecting 's' (ie. son) or 'd' (ie. daughter) in a variety of syntaxes and also detecting any double occurrence of the word 'of ' in a syntax such as  "s of Charles & Harriet of Wolverton" and so give an opportunity to exclude visiting parents.  Other phrases such as "base born" and "bastard" allow a logging of most baptisms of illegitimate children. In the original Excel file, once filtered for baptisms, there were 4934 valid entries and a justification for excluding 507 of them for a variety of reasons. A total of 247 entries were for visiting parents, incl. 3 adults, and so were ignored. They displayed an SRB ratio of 1.05, as a sub-group, and the importance of this is discussed later. There were 260 blank or seriously uninformative entries. The great majority of these (93%) were created in the interval 1550 to 1650. A closer examination was made of these, looking for mention of a given name so that entries could be classified for gender and this was possible for 87 entries. However, some may have corresponded to adults, possibly already baptised without their knowledge. For this reason this small group was finally omitted. A total of 64 illegitimate children were logged from 1550 – 1922 and the total was later adjusted for a reason that will become clear.

As shown in Table I, the results differ quite markedly from previous surveys in some respects. A very high male bias is seen for the earliest century that was covered. This was not noticed before. The high male bias, initially noted for the Victorian period, this time is still perceptible but as a subtler rise (figures shown in red). The mild female bias in other centuries was not noticed before. One theory that might explain male bias assumes that a genetic factor is carried forward in a family so promoting a high incidence of male births. Accordingly, with the births records already divided into 50-year periods, a count was made of boys and girls against each surname in the records. There were a total of 800 surnames but within any 50 year period there was typically only ~350 present. The entire record was scanned for heavy male bias and the conclusion of this survey is presented in the table inset here, Table II.

Remarkably, only 31 family names sported a strong male bias at some stage (and rarely twice, interestingly). Such situations are highlighted in yellow while the relatively un-biassed periods for the families are shown with a white background. At each point the format of the entry is “boys comma girls”. A grey background is used where there are no births for a family within a particular 50-year period. This distinction, with grey, probably shows when a family has departed or just arrived in the village. A few families, eg. the Paceys, Gibbs and the Griffins, have occupied the village continuously from 1550 -1922 (but mysteriously have all now departed).  The Carters began in the early 1700s and are still going strong today. Families that appear over two separate periods are presumed to be not closely related branches and have the same surname more-or-less by coincidence - eg. the Greens and the Watts.

Before attempting to give any account of the results it is sometimes helpful in the massaging of complex data to extract what, to the scientist and engineer, is known as any dimensionless group. This promotes the suggestion of mathematical relationships between elements of the data. The SRB is already dimensionless, being a ratio without units. The data in Tables I and II could be combined as follows. One could note the count of male bias incidence with each 50-year period and compare that to the total number of baptisms for the same period. Thus, as an example, the number of incidents in the 1750-1800 date range is 4. We set that as (4 +/- 1) and divide it by the level of birth activity in that period, which was 514 according to Table I. A "families per 100 births" index so formed is thus:

Fam/100 index for (1750-1800)  =  (4 +/- 1) divided by 5.14  =  0.6 to 1.0

The justification for the +/- 1 is that the measure of “actual male bias” is subjective and liable to error. The index is dimensionless because it is the quotient of two plain numbers. In the diagram below, Figure 1, there is plotted against the date ranges both the SRB ratio and the Fam/100 index.

By inspection, there appears to be a correlation between these two factors in that between 1550 and 1800 the two trends follow each other. To confirm this impression just imagine the data for SRB being drawn lower down on the graph compared to where it is (ie. move by minus 0.1 on the SRB scale). The SRB =  0 point, which is meaningless, is suppressed anyway. We see that, after 1800, the SRB takes off upwards and "peaks", compared to an expectation based on the Fam/100 index, at around the middle of the 1850-1900 date range.

Before considering the conditions regarding births in the two date ranges, before 1800 and after 1800, it will be useful to be clear on definitions. These data are about baptisms and not strictly about births. There are at least three distinguishable cases where the difference is very important.

(i). A mother may (a) conceal her pregnancy, (b) have her baby in private and alone and (c) not tell anyone about its subsequent death. This would have been common temptation for un-married young girls with all to loose because of the stigma. Up to about 1700 the law was clear on this issue and if the woman were found guilty on all three counts the sentence was a capital one, for what was termed “infanticide”. Some sympathy was being introduced in the 1600s and by 1800 the situation had become one of laissez faire from a legal standpoint.

(ii). A situation where a birth is not necessarily reported and the baby dies very young (at less than 6 years) has always been regarded with sympathy even though the cause of death might have been unnatural or partly brought on by the mal-nutrition of a very sickly child. There is no term for this type of loss in the literature so here it is given the label “family wasting”.

(iii). Cases as in (ii) where the death is not reported – “unrecorded family wasting”. It is recommended that one should read Appendix 4 that deals with this topic.  


Pre-1800 era:  Blisworth was essentially a small agricultural community. Social standards were established and maintained by the Lord of the Manor (being an agent of the King until ~1700), by the Rector and by some of the parish officials such as the Constable and the Overseer of the Poor. It seems inconceivable that much distortion of the records occurred due to infanticide, ie. (i) above. One only needs to inspect the low level of illegitimacy to feel convinced of this. Possibly there may have been a fair amount of unrecorded family wasting. The abstract for a treatise was found in the searches (see the Appendix I) that dealt with practices common in a German parish where arguments for reducing the count of girls was justified as the natural loss of young boys was always a major concern. (The loss of more boys than girls was recorded also in Blisworth). The high value of the SRB may be partly for reasons of unrecorded family wasting but probably only partly. A more likely contributory factor is the light level of inter-breeding within the community that would persist even though some males were encouraged to find their wives in the neighbouring villages. It was frequently the case that two families got on so well together that brothers married corresponding sisters. Subsequently the offspring would be genetically very close cousins, all the more confusing if three or four families were involved. Occasionally these cousins would carelessly marry and affect the genes. Alternatively, would the stress from the pre-Civil War years have fired up an extra male bias? We know little of the society of that time. We know of only one fellow who departed the village for a few years and joined the Roundheads. He was Richard Bland, the second eldest one of four sons (no daughters!) that were born from 1623 to 1632. He survived all the battles and returned with, eventually, a good pay that would have exceeded earnings possible in agriculture. Having three competing brothers perhaps had encouraged him to seek his fortune elsewhere. Could these conditions have encouraged a common male bias? The opinion of a geneticist is required.

Post-1800 era:  From 1790 onwards the social climate of Blisworth changed dramatically. After around 1650, farming was being gradually improved and transferred to only a few favoured farmers. This created some poverty in the labouring class that is believed to have endured into the Victorian times.  In the 1780s a clever farmer, John Roper, arrived from Suffolk with new ideas on grassland and arable fields and was awarded a plum job as agent to the Duke of Grafton. He was persuaded toward profiteering with the Duke’s capital, swindled everyone he could and was finally sacked in 1833. Alongside him was a new Rector, Rev. Ambrosse, who held the benefice from 1799 to 1840. He was often absent from the Parish, gambled and found himself, on more than one occasion, in the debtors prison. Farmers and villagers alike experienced enormous disruption by a workforce building the canal and its tunnel through the parish. The wharf at Blisworth became, especially for 10 years or so, a busy transhipping port. The main road through the village was upgraded to a turnpike, costing more for anyone to move stock from field to field. By 1837 there was established an enormous embankment that seemed to cut the village off from the villages to the north. It was to carry the new London to Birmingham railway with a substantial station just outside the village limits. The stone quarry was enlarged by 1820 and new quarries for ironstone were being dug by 1860.

In the time interval of 70 years there was no longer a scarcity of new employment, or so it seemed, but the influx of newcomers to the village virtually doubled the population and doubled the birth rate. One can imagine a majority of society that was poor or in poverty looking on at the good fortune of a few lucky entrepreneurial people. The loss of a moral compass, hitherto set by a Rector and a few influential people, one supposes gave the community a sort of “go ahead”. The scale of illegitimacy took off and there was perhaps an enormous increase in male-male competition. The illegitimacy rate of 2 in 25 years that had been maintained for at least 200 years climbed to a level of nearly one per year.  The claimed large flush of them at the time of the canal building (1795 - 1810) was not noted in fact. The bar chart below, Figure 2, condenses the table opposite. Oddly, from 1854, there were no more illegitimacies recorded in the usual way. This was because of the move by Rev Barry to follow the CoE "high-church" fashion causing him to simply ban any use of the phrase "base born" from 1854. The chart is therefore continued with a different colour showing babies baptised with just a mother present. Maybe his ministry improved societal standards after ~1850 because the chart does show a decline. Another factor was the new 1872 law that made the father equally liable for the support of the illegitimate child and, incidentally called for the compulsory recording of all births.

Rather amusing is the performance of Miss Mercy Plowman who simply could hardly stop having children out of wedlock (8 in all, see red highlights, her last at the age of 51). Some of her babies appear to have been fostered by the Carter family where she was lodging in 1871. Five other families besides Plowman achieved multiple illegitimacies.

All this expansion created over-crowding. The railway company in circa 1850 built the twelve houses near the railway arch for their workers who were enjoying a fair to good income. There were 11 houses built ~1870 to a “Grafton design” that were intended for prosperous families. The baker R. Westley, however, built two blocks of tenements containing 28 poorly specified units for the poorer families in 1855 and also a few cottages for higher grade workers at Pynus in ~1890. The poor had the new tenement and and were crowded into them and the lower grade cottages, some of which were subdivided into 3 or 4 units. Grafton, the owner of Blisworth till 1919, was criticised in parliament in 1911 for his derisory record in house building and it was not until the Towcester Rural District Council began razing old houses, in the name of public health, in the 1930s, building over 36 new Council houses, that the village could be said to be catching up on the population expansion. Crowding was pretty bad. The 1871 census demonstrates this and shows 952 people resident in 222 dwellings. The distribution of housing density has been determined from a knowledge of the size of the dwellings and the houses were divided into “classes” as HIGH, Good, Medium or Dire (or evidently Empty or "residents not at home"), see Table IV below.

Among the "Medium class" and those described as "Dire" there were 25 dwellings with 6 or more occupants, up to a total of 10. The high apparent occupancy for the houses classed as "HIGH" is due to the fact that they included servants and a total number of bedrooms of around 6. Most of the units considered "Medium or Dire" comprised one bedroom, one shared living room, a shared kitchen area and maybe a shared "copper" for hot water (no bathroom, water from a well nearby). With that there would often be an outside closet toilet, emptied manually twice weekly, shared between 4 to 6 households. Fresh tap-water and flush toilets arrived in the village in 1953 - 17 years after Northampton. 

Within a population sub-group of about 400, this would certainly be an environment capable of harbouring infant ill health with a prospect of infanticide or unrecorded family wasting.  Indeed, after nearly 100 years of grossly unhygienic use, it was perfectly reasonable for the Council to raze such “in-grained” houses and start again (though villagers with ideas of property development found the action of “replacing stone with utility brick” lamentable).

The SRB ratio just before 1800 was hovering in a slight female-bias state, ie. SRB ~ 0.95, and this could have been because there was an under-current of male babies dying before they could be baptised. Quite why this ratio was overturned into a male-bias in the Victorian years is something of a mystery. Could there be a similar but diluted effect from male-male competition (compared to the 1600s) arising in the genetics of the community? At least comforting is the fact that from 1800 any suspicion of inter-breeding would be dispelled.

  We should however look closely at the possibility of either infanticide or unrecorded family wasting being embedded in the figures. The 1871 census was used to analyse this issue along with the processed data for the 50-year period, 1850 – 1900. In that period there were 71 recorded deaths at an age less than 12 months and a further 74 for children under the age of 6 years. These two figures amount to a loss of 27% of all births (baptisms) and there were in fact 38% more recorded boy deaths than girls.

It is a fact that the SRB ratio for the Victorian period is anomalously high and demands to be explained. We have discussed crowding and poverty which were both undeniable factors influencing society in the Victorian era and alluded to a loss of moral compass (as against the standards at that time, it must be emphasised). Perhaps a level of unrecorded family wasting was the reason for a high SRB which basically is pointing to a moderate shortage of recorded female births. Incidently there is a study of the effects of poverty in a large Venzuelan population (catholic, probably mostly healthy 'moral compass') and there the SRB remained in the range 0.98 to 1.08 while correlations implying poverty-driven family size control were found. So this is the justification here of "adjusting" the statistics for Victorian Blisworth. If an arbitrary total of 106 infants as unrecorded family wasting (in 50 years) were to be added to the 71 infants statistic and notionally counted as births then, with a reasonable excess of girls over boys assumed in the wasting, the entered points in Figure 1 above, for the 1850 – 1900 period, would occupy the grey outlined positions shown there, with an SRB of 1.10. The change provides some improved conformity between the two plots but that is rather modest compared with an adjustment one would expect, naively, from a simple set of ideas. At least it is evident that an incidence of wasting may make an adjustment in the right direction but the level of wasting at 106 seems too high to be reasonable.

Visitor Baptisms:  This is a rather strange topic and, at first sight, merely an unimportant side issue. Figure 3 shows the number of such baptisms by decade. There were only three cases before 1780 and so it is only necessary to cover the period from 1780 to 1930 (the records cease in 1922). The high level in the 1790s and the 1800s could be explained by a large number of temporary visitors, as families, to the village for the canal and tunnel construction. The tiny component for the 1920s was due to WWI and only three years being represented.

A background trend is perceived, starting at a very low level at 1800 and peaking at 1870. Why is there a peak just then? Why would visitors be interested in Blisworth with an absentee Rector for much of the 1820s and 1830s? The owner of the Blisworth Gardens and his attempt to establish a Victorian-style pleasure resort after 1845 based on the railway station is a plausible reason. As a majority of these visits were in the summertime (Figure 3), perhaps people arranged baptism as part of a family holiday. On the earlier topic of SRB ratios it is rather curious here that the 244 infants born to “visitors” should display an SRB = 1.05, which is a normal figure and markedly lower than the figure in Figure 1 for the 1850-1900 50-year period, that being 1.177 for Blisworth. Admittedly the numbers of visiting baptisms is small but is it not very odd that such a sample from Victorian locations, some near and some far from Blisworth, should show a normal SRB while, over the same period, Blisworth's births should be ratio-ed anomalously? The assumptions made on the previous page in order to “adjust” that latter figure are therefore to be regarded as unsavoury and startling. Such tentative conclusion may be wrong but something was going on.


(1).  Whilst life in Blisworth did not equate to city life, it is important to not have an overly romantic view. There was, for a while, a context for Blisworth that resembled a city environment and the new elements of industrialisation, namely transportation and quarrying, had created such environment exacerbated by a level of social laxity and, for some of the population, poverty and over-crowding.

(2).  The incidence of unrecorded wasting is not a proven fact for the Victorian period in Blisworth but the evidence is disconcerting.  Clearly some comparisons with carefully chosen city based parishes may help to resolve the issue. That might suffice for the Victorian data but there is still the extraordinary high boy/girl ratios recorded for the period 1550 to 1650. If a genetic factor is implied for these early data then, perhaps, a genetic factor should be introduced for the Victorian era as well. The data of Table I has been sent to every Department of Genetics in major UK universities but not one has replied to the request for comment or any help with the data.




The Appendices

Various appendices are attached. Appendix 1 refers to a treatise on the practices in a German parish. Appendix 2 presents an extract of another book that discusses infanticide. Appendix 3 covers the Victorian inclination to use laudanum-containing preparations to quieten children – this, one can imagine, would be very tempting in order to successfully use the single bedroom. The danger from it is that too much laudanum (morphine) might be used and the child looses appetite and energy and may eventually die addicted. A Pharmacy Act in 1868 demanded that “Poison” be displayed and directed that pharmacies and not grocers would sell in future. A survey of the local newspaper, the Northampton Mercury, was made for the period 1860 to 1863 and the presentation of adverts on various narcotic syrups or pills was easy to find. For example, Dicey’s Bateman Pectoral Drops is a morphine containing cough remedy, as is Lambert’s Asthmatic Balsam. Interestingly, Dicey, as the owner of the newspaper, was subscribing to a marketing deal with Bateman and a “quack-doctor” website, see below, comments that the morphine content varies widely, deal to deal.

  Finally there is Appendix 4 with an article that was recommended as background reading by Colin Chapman who kindly gave me an introduction into the sociology of this topic after meeting him at a Tiffield history meeting. Colin Chapman lectures on the History of Birth Control among other topics (eg. The Pattishall POW camp). The reason for including the appendices is to show that, at least in mostly city environments in England, there was much over-crowding and dangers to infant life. Finally, Appendix 5 summarises the computer processes.


Appendix 1: Human sex-ratio manipulation: Historical data from a German parish

  Eckart Voland

On the basis of demographic data of a parish in Schleswig-Holstein, characterized by a primarily rural economy, the thesis is developed that during the period investigated, i.e. from 1720 to 1869 A.D., the survival chances of newborns were influenced by differential parental investment. The (first-born) daughters of land-owning farmers were most affected

by this intervention, ie. as a result of less well being taken care of. This resulted in sex-linked infant mortality and therefore a manipulation of the sex ratio. The social undesirability of girls or the preference of, and hence the greater investment in, boys by these farmers can be explained by two socio-economic factors that appear to determine the reproductive value of the children:


              (1) inheritance practices favouring male descendants,

        and (2) the proportion of marriage perspectives for the sons

              as opposed to the daughters being in favour of the boys,

              in contrast to other social classes.


The classes of the parish without land property revealed a different pattern of demographic features. Here the irrelevance of inheritance conventions and the relatively good chances of marriage for the daughters (especially the relatively high chances of hypergamy, ie. "marrying up", for the daughters of the smallholders) in comparison with those of the sons led to partially reversing of social undesirability and sex-linked reproductive value. Indeed, among the non-possessing classes, the survival chances of the boys were the lowest, relative to their sisters, and those of the girls were the highest. This means that, here too, the operation of cost-benefit-oriented parental investment can be assumed to have been present in the society discussed.


Appendix 2:  Sex Differentials in Survivorship and the Customary Treatment of Infants and Children

Lauris McKee

Infanticide is a direct and violent means of removing children from a population. For this reason, it has attracted public concern and occasioned careful scientific inquiry.

Parents generally are deeply, emotionally invested in their children. Institutionalised practices prejudicing child survival have the advantage of interposing time and space between a treatment that enhances the probability of early death, and a child's actual death. Hence, the relationship between cause and effect can pass unperceived. For example, infection of a ritually-inflicted wound appears several days after the injury is incurred. In societies with no germ theory of disease, pathogenesis would not be attributed to un-sterile conditions but to other factors, such as imperfect performance of the ritual act or the malfeasance of witches or supernatural. Scrimshaw (1982) notes that seeking psychological distance through temporal and spatial distance figures even among infanticidal parents who often abandon rather than directly murder their children.  

In this chapter, the major goal is to convince the reader that infanticide exists, and to argue that two of its potentially numerous functions arc (1) the limitation of population growth; and (2) the management of demographic structure by control of the sex ratio. The latter, it is suggested, results in selective female infanticide to compensate for universally higher male mortality in infancy and childhood, and may be implicated in the prevalence of systems of male preference.


Appendix 3:  Endangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1983. pp. 34-35

Wohl, Anthony S.

Medical officers were convinced that one of the major causes of infant mortality was the widespread practice of giving children narcotics, especially opium, to quieten them. At Id an ounce laudanum was cheap enough — about the price of a pint of beer — and its sale was totally unregulated until late in the century. The use of opium was widespread both in town and country. In Manchester, according to one account, five out of six working-class families used it habitually. One Manchester druggist admitted selling a half-gallon of Godfrey's Cordial (the most popular mixture, it contained opium, treacle, water, and spices) and between five and six gallons of what was euphemistically called "quietness" every week. In Nottingham one member of the Town Council, a druggist, sold four hundred gallons of laudanum annually. At mid-century there were at least ten proprietary brands, with Godfrey's Cordial, Steedmans Powder, and the grandly named Atkinson's Royal Infants Preservative among the most popular. In East Anglia opium in pills and penny sticks was widely sold and opium taking was described as a way of life there. Throughout the Fens it was used in 'poppy tea,' and doctors there reported how the infants were wasted from it — 'shrank up into little old men', 'wizened like little monkeys' is the way they were described.

Opium killed far more infants through starvation than directly through overdose. Dr. Greenhow, investigating for the Privy Council, noted how children 'kept in a state of continued narcotism will be thereby disinclined for food, and be but imperfectly nourished. Marasmus, or inanitition, and death from severe malnutrition would result, but the coroner was likely to record the death as 'debility from birth,' or 'lack of breast milk,' or simply 'starvation.'  

Appendix 4:  Background material   Infanticide: a case study by Richard Brown (from his website blog)

In West London, on the evening of 1 September 1856, a grisly discovery was made. The bodies of newborn twins were found wrapped in a bloodstained petticoat and chemise in the front garden of a house at Pentridge Villas, Notting Hill. Mr Guazzaroni, the surgeon who conducted the post-mortem at the Kensington workhouse, found that the twins had died because of intentional suffocation and exposure. A verdict of wilful murder by persons unknown was returned at the coroner’s inquest but the twin’s mother was never traced. Infanticide was disturbingly common in Victorian Britain.[1] Lionel Rose estimates that of 113,000 deaths of children under the age of one in 1864, 1,730 were due to ‘violence’ with only 192 of those being classified as homicides. Contemporaries maintained that Britain was suffering from an epidemic of child-killing blamed on ‘puerperal insanity’, a form of post-natal mania that accounted for as much as 15% of female asylum admissions in some years. [2]

From the early 1840s, questions were being openly asked on the floor of the House of Commons where Thomas Wakley, coroner, surgeon and MP shocked his audience by claiming that infanticide[3], ‘was going on to a frightful, to an enormous, a perfectly incredible extent.’[4]By the 1860s, the problem was believed to have reached crisis proportions and figured as one of the great plagues of society, alongside prostitution, drunkenness and gambling. According to some experts, it was impossible to escape from the sight of dead infants’ corpses, especially in the capital, for they were to be found everywhere from interiors to exteriors, from bedrooms to train compartments. One observer commented that bundles are left lying about in the streets... the metropolitan canal boats are impeded, as they are tracked along by the number of drowned infants with which they come in contact, and the land is becoming defiled by the blood of her innocents. We are told by Dr Lankester that there are 12,000 women in London to whom the crime of child murder may be attributed. In other words, that one in every thirty women (I presume between fifteen and forty-five) is a murderess.[5]

Even The Times was forced to concede at the end of a long list of Herod-like statistics on the subject that ‘infancy in London has to creep into life in the midst of foes’.[6] At every new ‘epidemic’ of dead babies found abandoned on the streets of the capital, there was a public outcry focussed on society’s responses. In 1870, in London, 276 infants were found dead in the streets and in 1895, this figure reached 231. For the Ladies’ Sanitary Association, civilisation itself was under threat: annual slaughter of innocents takes place in this gifted land of ours... we must grapple with this evil, and that speedily, if we would not merit the reproach of admitting infanticide as an institution into our social system.[7]

Many of the women involved were from the lower classes and many of the babies were illegitimate. However, pleading this form of temporary insanity when taken to court was frequently met with a sympathetic response from judges, despite the obvious suspicion that some cases were murders. The problem of infanticide was brought into strong focus by the case of Mary Newell.[8] Born in south Oxfordshire, Mary had been a servant since she was 16. Without work in the summer of 1857, aged 21, she travelled to Reading where she met as old acquaintance, poulterer William Francis who invited her for a drink at his house. Mary ended up pregnant and Francis showed no further interest in her. Although she soon found employment within two months she left and single, pregnant and unemployed and having failed to persuade Francis to marry her, she was admitted to Henley workhouse on 11 January 1858. In May she gave birth to a son, Richard and remained at the workhouse until August when she walked the eight miles to Reading to seek help from Francis who refused. Unclear what to do and confused, Mary wandered round all night and eventually she undressed her baby son, laid him by the bank of the Thames and let him roll in.

At Mary’s trial, there was outrage at Francis’ attitude, as it was believed that had he shown any willingness to help, the baby would not have died. Although he admitted his neglect at the trial, this did little to moderate local feeling and after the verdict he was attacked by a mob, beaten and left semi-naked, an event repeated when news of the trial’s outcome reached his new home at Wallingford. Mary was condemned to death but was in such a state that she was committed to the local asylum. A petition was launched asking Queen Victoria to commute her sentence and the local mayor, magistrates and nearly 800 others signed it. A deputation of people from Reading visited the Home Office to lobby and this intervention appears to have saved Mary’s life.

Infanticide was an act of murder and as such, the guilty parties could be exposed to the full force of the law. Yet, on this politically delicate question, sentencing by the courts depended as much on the facts as on the medical interpretation placed on them. Victorian leniency towards infanticide was shaken in 1865 when a woman from London, Esther Lack, killed her three children by slitting their throats. After the court backed an insanity plea, one newspaper openly questioned the willingness of courts to find in favour of such defendants. Evidence from London shows that most women charged with infanticide between 1837 and 1913 were in their early to mid-20s though some were as young as 16 and that the younger the woman, the more likely she was to be acquitted or guilty only of the lesser offence of concealing a birth. However, it was not until the 1922 Infanticide Act that the death penalty was abolished for women who murdered their newborn babies if is could be shown that the woman in question had had her balance of mind disturbed as a direct result of giving birth.

The advent of the life insurance business brought a further motive for murder but in particular infanticide. Arsenic poisoning was difficult to identify since its symptoms were similar to those of dysentary, gastritis and other causes of natural death and magistrates were generally unwilling to squander public funds while the chances of detection were so small.[9] Families could enrol their children in a ‘burial club’ for a halfpenny a week and when the child died the club would pay out as much as £5 towards funeral expenses. Since a cheap funeral cost around £1, this left a valuable surplus for feeding the remaining children and some families enrolled each child in several clubs to increase the payout. There was a saying in Manchester, though it existed across the country that a burial-club baby was unlikely to survive for long. The burial-club scandal became so widespread that legislation was passed in 1850 prohibiting insuring children under 10 for more than £3. However, the lure of life insurance remained a potent cause of infanticide. Mary Ann Cotton, a former school teacher from County Durham murdered most of her 15 children and step-children, as well as her mother, three husbands and her lodger, before she was hanged in 1873.

The harshest decisions were certainly those meted out to the professional baby farmer found guilty of infanticide. One of the first and most sensational trials was that of Margaret Waters, the so-called ‘Brixton Baby Farmer’ in 1870, who was found guilty of conspiracy to obtain money by fraud and the murder of a baby.[10] She was executed amid extensive popular agitation and press coverage. In a sense the pattern had been set and when, in 1879, Annie Took was similarly found guilty of smothering and dismembering an illegitimate physically handicapped child she had been paid £12 to look after, she too was executed. Other high-profile baby farmers such as the Edinburgh murderess Jessie King in 1887[11] and Amelia Dyer[12] suffered a similar fate. Yet not all of these criminals were sentenced to death and other cases that received front-page coverage such as those of Catherine Barnes and Charlotte Winsor resulted in verdicts of life imprisonment.

There was a growing body of evidence by the 1870s that infanticide was a crime committed primarily by women and, more often than not, by the mothers or the surrogate mothers of the infants themselves. Undoubtedly, the more ‘acceptable’ of these two explanations was the latter, that these crimes were the work of depraved, unscrupulous women who had lost all sense of their maternal instincts and indulged in a commercial trade with life itself inside a profession known popularly as ‘baby farming’.[13] The term first appeared in The Times in the late 1860s, and, according to one medical practitioner of the period, was coined ‘to indicate the occupation of those who receive infants to nurse or rear by hand for a payment in money, either made periodically (as weekly or monthly) or in one sum’.[14] It was regarded with a great deal of suspicion in many quarters, as an “occupation which shuns the light”[15] and not simply a primitive form of child-care. However, its popular appeal and social function were immense at a time when illegitimacy was stigmatised and single mothers excluded from the most elementary means of supporting their child.

By the latter part of the nineteenth century, the mechanics of the system had become well established. The ‘baby farmer’ was usually a woman of a mature age and poor working-class background who would offer either to look after the ‘unwanted’ child or ensure that it was ‘passed on’ to suitable adoptive parents. The fee for this transaction varied according to the specifics of the contract but was usually situated between £7 and £30.[16] In the majority of cases there was also a tacit understanding between the two parties that, in the harsh conditions of life in working-class areas of the nation’s cities, the child’s chances of survival would be extremely slim. What particularly outraged public feeling was that this trade had a visible, almost respectable, side to it for it was practised openly through advertising, in national, regional and local newspapers. Not surprisingly under such circumstances, the financial considerations involved in this extensive traffic in infant life gradually became the focus of deep suspicion. For the British Medical Journal of 1868, these ‘baby farmers’ would not have the slightest difficulty in disposing of any number of children, so that they may give no further trouble, and never be heard of, at £10 a head.[17]

Baby farms were denounced as nothing more than ‘centres of infanticide’, a convenient way for women to solve the problem of unwanted and illegitimate births. It was, for instance, widely believed that these babies were often left to wilt away and die, sometimes helped along with a little soother known as ‘Kindness’. These rumours found credence in the fact that at this time it was common practice, not only among those whose looked after children, but also among mothers themselves, to use a certain ‘Godfrey’s Cordial’ to quieten the babies, and that this, if dosed incorrectly, could lead to ‘the sleep of death’.[18]

Little however was known about the role of the mothers in this trade. The Times had no doubts that the women who sent their children to baby farmers were ‘complicitous and selfish’ and not naive and impoverished victims in their own right.[19] Yet a survey of those implicated in the more spectacular trials of the period suggests that most were guilty only of the crime of having a child outside of wedlock. Crime reports invariably refer to the biological mothers’ occupation as that of bar-maid, prostitute, factory or mill worker, domestic servant. Much more rarely are there references to ‘outraged’ middle-class girls and unfaithful upper-class women having recourse to the infamous baby farmers. In the Margaret Waters case, for instance, the court heard of 17-year-old Jeanette Cowen, who had been raped by the husband of a friend and, on the birth of her son, her father arranged ‘adoption’ procedures with Waters without the mother’s consent.  Evelina Marmon, a barmaid from Bristol, confided her 10-month-old child to the safe keeping of Amelia Dyer because she was temporarily unable to look after it. She was unaware that the baby had been strangled and disposed of until the trial, as Dyer sent her regular reports about its progress. The illegitimate child of Elizabeth Campbell, who died in childbirth, was ‘adopted’ for a generous fee by Jessie King to avoid a family scandal but nobody apparently suspected that any harm would befall the child.

The problem of ‘baby farming’ proved intractable, despite the sustained pressure of such groups as the Infant Life Protection Society that called for the registration and control of all people in charge of babies on a professional basis.[20] Not only was this activity an integral part of the social regulation of the nation’s sexuality, it also fulfilled a valuable economic role by allowing working-class women to occupy paid employment. Government interference in such a private sphere was therefore problematic in the extreme. The breakthrough only came through a private member’s initiative which became the Infant Life Protection Act in 1872. This reform made registration obligatory with the local authority for any person taking in two or more infants under one year of age for a period greater than 24 hours. Furthermore, deaths of infants in such care had to be communicated to the Coroner within 24 hours. It was a timid start since the scope of people exempted from the Act was significant; relatives, day-nurses, hospitals and even foster women were all excluded and no ‘authentification’ of contracts between parent and baby farmer was required. Moreover since the registration of all births, live and dead did not become compulsory until 1874, unless the authorities actually knew that a baby had been born, it was possible for it to die, be killed or be disposed of without anyone even noticing its existence. Only after other sensational ‘epidemics’ of infanticide in the ensuing years did a further Infant Life Protection Act force its way through Parliament in 1897. This Act finally empowered local authorities to control the registration of “nurses” responsible for more than one infant under the age of five for a period longer than 48 hours.[21]


[1] Rose, Lionel, Massacre of the Innocents: Infanticide in Britain 1800-1939, (Routledge), 1986 and more generally Jackson, Mark, (ed.), Infanticide: Historical Perspectives on Child Murder and Concealment, (Ashgate), 2002, Thorn, Jennifer, (ed.), Writing British infanticide: child-murder, gender, and print, 1722-1859, (University of Delaware Press), 2003 and McDonagh, Josephine, Child Murder & British Culture, 1720-1900, (Cambridge University Press), 2003, pp. 97-183.

[2] Puerperal psychosis is now a well-recognised event, affecting perhaps one in every 500 births in the UK. It normally happens in the first month of the new child’s life and takes the form of a severe episode of mania similar to that suffered by manic depressives. Patients may become confused and delusional, and in the most extreme cases try to harm themselves or their new child. See, Marland, Hilary, ‘Getting away with murder? Puerperal insanity, infanticide and the defence plea’, in ibid, Jackson, Mark (ed.), Infanticide: historical perspectives on child murder and concealment, 1550-2000, pp. 168-192 and ‘Disappointment and desolation: women, doctors and interpretations of puerperal insanity in the nineteenth century’, History of Psychiatry, Vol. 14, (2003), pp. 303-320.

[3] William Ryan described infanticide as ‘the murder of a new-born child’ although there is no specific time applied to the term ‘new-born’; it is not restricted to days after the birth. Ryan, William Burke, Infanticide: Its Law, Prevalence, Prevention and History, (J. Churchill, New Burlington Street), p. 3

[4]Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 3rd Series, 76, 1844, col. 430-431.

[5] Ibid, Ryan, William Burke, Infanticide: Its Law, Prevalence, Prevention and History, pp. 45-46.

[6]The Times, 29 April 1862.

[7] Baines, Mrs M.A., Excessive Infant Mortality: How can it be stayed?, (J. Churchill and. Sons), 1865.

[8] National Archives: PCOM 4/36/37 and the review of Ryan, William Burke, ‘Infanticide: its Law, Prevalence, Prevention and History’, The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery, Vol. xxxi, (1863), pp. 1-27.

[9] See, Whorton, James C., The Arsenic Century: How Victorian Britain was Poisoned at Home, Work and Play, (Oxford University Press), 2010, pp. 27-33.

[10] On Margaret Waters’ case, see HO 12 193/92230

[11] One of the children in her care apparently died from an overdose of whisky. King was executed on 11 March 1889 in Calton Prison, and had the unenviable distinction of being the last but one woman to be hanged for murder in Scotland.

[12] Dyer’s reputation as a mass-murderess stems from her modus operandi for after strangling her victim with tape, she placed it in a carpet bag (nicknamed the ‘travelling coffin’) and threw it into the Thames. She stated in her confession ‘You’ll know all mine by the tape around their necks’. Fifty-seven-year-old Dyer was responsible for at least 17 deaths before her arrest in 1896. For a detailed police report, her trial and sentencing, forensic detail, incriminating evidence as well as her written confession, see Thames Valley Police Archives. See also, Vale, Alison, Amelia Dyer, angel maker: the woman who murdered babies for money, (Andre Deutsch), 2007.

[13] See, Behlmer, George K., Child abuse and moral reform in England 1870-1908, (Oxford University Press), 1982, pp. 25-42, 150-156 and 211-221.

[14]Curgenven, J.B., On Baby-farming and the Registration of Nurses, Read at a meeting of the Health Department of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, March 15, 1869, (National Association for the Promotion of Social Science), 1869, p. 3. See also, Greenwood, James, The Seven Curses of London, (S. Rivers), 1869, pp. 29-57.

[15]North British Daily Mail, 2March 1871.

[16] Ibid, Rose, Lionel, Massacre of the Innocents. Infanticide in Great Britain 1800-1939, p. 94.

[17]Cit, Altick, Richard D., Victorian Studies in Scarlet, (W.W. Norton & Co.), 1970, p. 285

[18] See, Findlay, Rosie, ‘‘More Deadly Than The Male’...? Mothers and Infanticide In Nineteenth Century Britain’, Cycnos,  Vol. 23, (2), (2006), URL:

[19]The Times, 4 July and 24 September 1870.

[20]The Infant Life Protection Society, created in 1870 and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children established in 1889 campaigned relentlessly for the introduction of better ‘policing’ of working-class families: Allen, Anne and Morton, Arthur, This is your child: the story of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, (Routledge & K. Paul), 1961, pp. 15-33. They recommended more foundling hospitals to be set up as well as public nurseries for the children of the poor, as they believed that working-class mothers’ lack of education and standard of living both conspired against infant life. See, Arnot, Margaret L., ‘Infant death, child care and the state: the baby farming scandal and the first infant life protection legislation of 1872’, Continuity and Change, Vol. 9, (2), 1994, p. 290 and ‘An English Crèche’,  The Times, 8 April 1868.

[21] The Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act was passed in 1889 to protect children under the age of fourteen from ill-treatment. Although in 1881 the Midwives Institute was founded, it took almost another twenty years before the first Midwives Act was passed in 1902; the Central Midwives Board were to govern training and practice of midwives in England and Wales, and it was illegal to practise without qualification (Scotland 1915 and Northern Ireland 1922).


Appendix 5: The Excel and Perl process.

            MSExcel       Set in date order and filter for baptisms only

            MSExcel       Then, alphabetically sort the surnames (sub-entries for each surname remain in a date order)

            MSExcel       Save as a new file in "comma separated variables" format (ie. plain text)

            Perl               Run this routine for each new text line

            Perl cont..     Split the fields at the commas.       The rest of the routine works on the “Information field                                                                                      except where noted.

                               Detect and exclude "visitor parents" for separate listing

                               Surname field” - Take surname and either continue totalling, if the surname is the same as as the 
                                                            previous one, or start a new surname summation

                               Detect uninformative entry, exclude and set for separate listing

                               Detect "s" for boy, "d" for daughter and then increment count against surname

                               Detect "bastard" & "base born" and copy for listing

            Perl           On “End of file” close lists of visitors, uninformative, bastards and surnames