Medieval Documents interpreted by the Rev. Cox in 1896 for the new Parish Council
and in the 1960s carefully transcribed by Eileen Rose.  For other background, see the
article in the general articles section on the Community Fields.

The origin documents are held at the NRO.

(1)  Blisworth Town Land

1st Document 1617

This Indenture made the first day of October in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord James by the grace of God King of England France Ireland and Scotland, defender of the Faith Etc. Between William Eastall of the Parish of Ellsworth in the County of Northampton Yeoman, Son and Heir apparant of Richard Estall late of Blisworth aforesaid Deceased.

(One of the feoffees in trust for all the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments herein after mentioned. And formerly given and put in Trust in feoffment by several Deeds thereof made to dimise feoffees in trust to be and for ever to continue Town Land, to the uses specified in the said several Deeds, That is to say to the repairs of the Church in Blisworth aforesaid. To the relief and Sustentation of the Poor and needy People of Blisworth aforesaid, And for other good Laudable and Charitable uses within the parish of Blisworth aforesaid,)

John Tew of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman heir apparant unto Thomas Tew late of Blisworth aforesaid Deceased one other of the said Feoffees. Richard Denton of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman heir apparent unto the aforesaid Richard Denton Deceased one other of the said feoffees. And Richard Thompson alias Plowman  of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman Son and heir apparant of John Thompson alias Plowman late of Blisworth aforesaid Deceased one other of the feoffees on the one Part. And Richard Estall Son and heir of the said William Estall of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. William Plowman son of the foresaid Richard Thompson alias Plowman of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. John Tompson alias Plowman the eldest son of Thomas Tompson Deceased and Thomas Robarte of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. Nicholas Elward the Son of John Elward of Blisworth aforesaid Yoeman. Richard Paine of Blisworth aforesaid. Thomas Adkins of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman the son of John Adkins. William Denton the son of Richard Denton of Bliworth aforesaid Yeoman. George Bland of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. Samuel Thompson alias Plowman of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. Richard Gibbs of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman. And Thomas Dove of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman on the other part Witnesseth that the said William Estall, John Tew, Richard Denton, William Tompson alias Plowman for that end and Purpose that all the said Lands Tenements Hereditaments and every part and parcel there of with every of their several appurtenances might for ever be continued and put in Feoffment for Town Land, by them the Surviving Feoffees, heirs of the first feoffees specified in the said Deeds. And for the Just and true performance of the Trust and Confidence in them reposed by the first Doners thereof. And for that the same may still from time to time and for ever hereafter remain be and continue to such Christian and Charitable Use and Uses as are specified in the said Deeds. Have Granted enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely Grant enfeoff and Confirm unto the aforesaid Richard Estall, William Tompson alias Plowman, John Thompson alias Plowman Thomas Robarte, Nicholas Elward, Thomas Adkins, William Denton, George Bland and Richard Paine, Samuel Tompson, Richard Gibbs and Thomas Dove, their heirs and Assigns. All and Singular the said Lands Tenements Hereditaments with their and every of their several Appurtenances, Commonly called  known and used as Town Land, Situate lying and being within the Town, Fields or Parish of Blisworth aforesaid.

That is to say One Headland containing by Estimation one Acre and three Roods lying in the South field of Blisworth aforesaid shooting East and West, and being between Ramwell and Gully Furlongs, And one half Acre Land lying in the said South field in Fishware Furlong the land in the Tenure and Occupation of John Adkins on the one side and the land in the Tenure of William Brayfield on the other side,  And one other Land containing by Estimation half an Acre, lyeth in the said South Field upon the Downes shooting against Matcome at the one end, and the Church Path at the other End, between the Land in the Tenure of Richard Thompson on the one side, and the Land in the Tenure of John Cupurne alias Fitzhugh on the other side, and one other Land containing by Estimation half an Acre, lyeth in the said South Field upon the Downes aforesaid between the land in the Tenure of George Bland on the one side and the Land in the Tenure of Thomas Tompson on the other side, And one other Land containing by Estimation half an Acre lyeth upon Street Furlong in the North Field of Blisworth aforesaid between the Land in the Tenure of William Estall on the one Side and the Land in the Tenure of Nicholas Dove on the other side. And one other Land containing by Estimation half an Acre lyeth upon middle Street Furlong in the said North Field between the Landin the Tenure of John Capurne aforesaid on the one Side and the Land in the Tenure of William Denton on the other side, And two Lands are lying together in the East Field upon Greenway Furlong containing by Estimation One Acre between the Lands in the Tenure of John Tew on the one side, and the land in the tenure of Thomas Dingly on the other side and one other piece of Ground being a half Acre Ley lyeth on Clift Hill in Blisworth aforesaid, between the Land in the Tenure of Thomas Tompson alias Plowman on the one side and the Land in the Tenure of William Elward on the other side. And also all and singular other the Messuage, Tenements, Houses, lands-hades Leys and parcells of Ground, with their and every of their Appurtenance in Blisworth aforesaid, whereof and wherein they the first recited Feoffees did or ought to have stood seised or any of them did stand seised to the Uses specifyed in the said Deeds or which they or any of them did use and employ, according to the true Meaning thereof. And all Common Profits Commodities thereunto belonging. 

To have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid Lands Tenements and Hereditaments, and all other the premises before specified and every part and parcel thereof, And all Commons, Profits and Commodities thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the aforesaid Richard Estall, William Tompson alias Plowman, John Tompson alias Plowman, Thomas Robarte, Nicholas Elward, Thomas Adkins, William Denton. George Bland, Richard Paine, Samuel Tompson, Richard Gibbs, Thomas Dove their heirs or Assigns, and the heirs and asigns of them and every of them, To the uses intent and Purposes.herein and hereafter expressed, and to and for none other use intent or Purpose.  That is to say to the Repairs of the Parish Church of Blisworth aforesaid.  To the relief of the poor and needy People within the said Parish and to further good and Charitable uses and purposes as mentioned and appointed by the first Doners thereof, And as by the said Feoffees thereof their heirs or Assigns or the Major part of them or the survivors of them or the greater part of them shall think proper, And so for ever to be deemed accounted and reputed to be Town Lands and for ever to be held and used to and for the purpose aforesaid, And it is hereby intended and mutually agreed unto.  That it shall and may be lawful to and  for the said Feoffees or the greater part of them and their Heirs, To let set and demise to any Person or Persons, All or any Part of the before mentioned Premises for the Term of One and Twenty years to the best value and highest rate that shall bona fide be offered for the same, either for  a yearly Rent or for a Sum of Money in the name of a Fine or for both, And that the Rents fines revenues and profits there of yearly ariseing and increaseing out of the same, shall be by the said Feofees or the greater part of them; from Time to Time bestowed employed and disposed to the uses herein before mentioned.  And that they the said True Feoffees and their Heirs and the Survivors of them and their Heirs shall every year upon the Feast day of St. Michael the Arch-Angel clear up and make true and perfect accounts of all and every the Profits, Rents and revenuse of the same and every part and parcel thereof to the public Assembly of the Inhabitants of Blisworth aforesaid in the Parish Church, Immediately after evening Prayer.  And for and to the Intent that all the premises before herein specified and every part and Parcel thereof should for ever continue and be to the Uses before in these Presents expressed according to the true intent and meaning of the Charitable givers thereof, And not to be misemployed or converted into any other use or uses or to any private use through corruption or Covertousness of any the Surviving feoffees.  And it is therefore Covenanted Concluded and fully agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents.  That when it shall please God to take out of this mortal World so many of the said feofees parties to these presents, that there shall not be above the number of Six of them living.  Then they the survivors and their Heirs , and the Heirs of the survivors and all of them shall be Dead, shall and will upon reasonable request to them or any of them to be made by the Said William Estall, John Tew, and Richard Tompson alias Plowman or any of them or by the survivors of them or any of them or the Heirs of the survivors of them will and sufficiently Convey and assure enfeoff and Conform, All and singular the before recited premises and every part and parcel thereof, unto Twelve of the best reputed and substantialest Inhabitants and cheifest men within the said parish of Blisworth for the time being, or to their or some of their children who shall by virtue there of stand and be seised of an absolute estate in fee simple to them and their Heirs.  To the Uses intents and purposes before in their presents expressed, and to and for none other use intent and purpose whatsoever.  In Witness whereof the parties above said have to these presents.  Interchangeably set their Hands and seals the day and year first above written.


(2)  Blisworth Land for maintenance of Lights in the Church

To all faithful People, to whom this present written Deed shall come, we John Mershe, of London, Esquire, and John Wood send everlasting Greeting in the Lord,  Know ye that we the aforesaid John Mershe and John Wood for a certain competent Sum of money paid in hand to us by Richard Fletcher of Blysworth in the County of Northampton, Yeoman wherewith we acknowledge that we are fully satisfied and intirely paid, and that the same Richard Fletcher, his Heirs, Executores and Administrators are thereof acquitted and exonerated by these Presents, have surrendered, feoffed, bargained, and by this our present written Deed have confirmed to the aforesaid Richard Fletcher all that Acre of Land and Pasture of ours, with the Appurtenances in Blisworth in the said County of Northampton, which by means and under colour of a certain Act of Parliament lately fell to the Disposal of our late Lord Edward the sixth King of England. And also all and all manner of Woods, Underwoods, and Trees whatsoever of ours growing and being about in and upon the Premises, and the Land, Soil and Ground of the same Woods and Underwoods. To have, hold, and enjoy, the aforesaid Acre of Land or Pasture with its Appurtenances in general, to or unto the aforesaid Richard Fletcher, his Heirs and Assigns to or for the proper Behoof and Use of the same Richard his Heirs and Assigns, forever, To Hold of our Lord the King and our Lady the Queen, their Heirs and Successors, as of, or a Part of their Manner of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, by Fealty only in free Socage, and not in Capite, for or as a recompence for all Services and Demands whatsoever, thereupon or for that cause in any wise to be rendered, performed, paid, or done. And truly we the aforesaid John Mershe and John Wood & our Heirs, the aforesaid Acre of Land or Pasture with its Appurtenances, unto the aforesaid Richard Fletcher, his Heirs, and Assigns, to the proper Behoof and use of the same Richard, his Heirs, and Assigns, for ever against us the aforesaid John Mershe and John Wood, and our Heirs, shall or will warrant, and for ever defend, by these Presents.  Know ye moreover that we the aforesaid John Mershe and  John Wood have made, ordained, constituted, assigned, and in our stead by these Presents have appointed our beloved Friends William Cowper and John Waters of Blysworth aforesaid, Husbandmen, our true and lawful Attornies conjunctly and severally to enter for us ,in our Stead, and in our Names, into or upon the aforesaid Acre of Land or Pasture, with its Appurtenances, or any parcel or part thereof, and to take Posession and Seisin of the same, in our Stead, and in our Names; and to remove, and eject all others there from; And likewise to deliver for us, in our Stead, and in our Names full Possession and Seisin of the aforesaid Acre of Land orPasture with its Appurtenances, to the aforesaid Richard Fletcher, or his Attorney or Attornies appointed in that Behalf, ratifying or confirming and accepting or approving the Authority, Power, Form, and Effect of this our present Charter or Instrument made thereof to them, and will ratify and approve all and every thing the said Attornies shall do or execute for us, in our Stead, and in our Names, or, either of them shall do or execute about or in the Premises or in any one Premise, as we ourselves might or could do if we were present and personally there.  In Testimony of which Thing. We have set our Seals to this present Charter or Instrument.  Given the Tenth Day of September in the third and fourth Years of the Reigns of Phillip and Mary, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, each Gallia, Ireland and Hibernia, Defenders of the Faith. Archduke and Archdutchess of Austria, Duke and Dutchess of Burgundy, Medilum, and Brabant, Count and Countess of Kaspney Flanders and Tirol. 1556

The Queen &c to all, to whom, &c send Greeting.  Know ye that we as well in consideration of four hundred eleven Pounds, seven Shillings and four Pence, of good and lawful Money of England, well and faithfully paid in hand, for our Use to the Receipt of our Exchequer by Christopher Fenton, of London.  Gentlemen, and Barnard Gilpyn, of the same City. Gentleman wherewith we acknowledge that we are fully and thoroughly paid and satisfied, and that the same Christopher Fenton, and Barnard Gilpyn, their Heirs Executors, and Administrators, or either of them, are acquitted and exonerated by these Presents; as for good divers Considerations moving us to these Presents; and also at the Request of our beloved Subject George Darcy, Esquire, of our special Grace, and of our certain Knowledge and pure Motion have given and granted, and by these Presents, for, or on behalf of us, our Heirs, and Successors, do give and grant to the aforesaid Christopher Fenton, and Barnard Gilpyn (among others things) all those our parcels of Land or Lands situated and being in the several Fields or open Fields of Blisworth in the County of Northampton aforesaid, lately or of late given or assigned to maintain the Lights or Ornaments in or within the Church of Blisworth aforesaid, and now or lately in the Tenure or Occupation of the Wardens of the same Church, or their Assign, To have, hold, and enjoy the aforesaid &c. Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Lays, Pastures, of the Chapel or Chapelry, Woods, Underwoods, issues or rents, Reversions Services, Hereditaments, and the rest, all, and singular the Premises, together with all and singular their Appurtenances in general, given and granted by these Presents to the above and aforesaid Christopher Fenton and Barnard Gilpyn, their Heirs, and Assigns, to or for the sole and proper Need and Use of the same Christopher and Barnard, and their Heirs and Assigns, for ever or hereafter.  To hold all and singular the Premises of us, our Heirs, and Successors, as of, or a part of, our Manour of East Greenwich in our County of Kent, by Fealty onlyin free and common Socage, not in Capite, neither by Knights Service, for all services, Revenues, of Actions or Demands, whatsoever, and thereupon or for that cause in any wise to be rendered, performed or payed, and done to or for us, our Heirs, and Successors, etc.  In Witness of which Thing etc. Given at Westminster, on the nineteenth Day of February, in the sixteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By a Brief of or from the Privy Seal Etc.

Agrees (among others) with the Record and Exemplification.  By me John Taydon signs of them and every of them, To the uses intent and Purposes herein.

(3)  Blisworth  1696 redefinition of document (1) which was dated 1617

This Indenture made the Thirtyeth day June Anno Domini 1696 in the Eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the third, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King defender of the Faith,  etc. Between Richard Plowman the Elder of Blisworth in the County of Northampton.  Gent.  Surviving feoffee in trust for all the Lands in Blisworth aforesaid, and also all the singular Tenements and Hereditaments that are put in feoffment by several Deeds thereof made to divers Feoffees in Trust, To be and for ever continue Town Land, to the Uses specified in the said several Deeds.  That is to say to the repairs of the Parish Church of Blisworth aforesaid, To the use and relief of the Poor and Needy People in Blisworth aforesaid and to other good laudable and Charitable uses in Blisworth aforesaid of the one part, And William Plowman of Blisworth aforesaid Gent;  Richard Estall, Willian Billingham, Richard Cooke the younger , John Adkins the younger, John Lawton the younger, Richard Mawby the younger, Richard Gibbs and William Gibbs. all Inhabitants of the Town of Blisworth aforesaid.  John Brayfield son of Edward Brayfield Yeoman.  Thomas Tew son of Richard Tew, William Plowman son of Charles Plowman of the South of Blisworth aforesaid Husbandmen of the other part.  Witnesseth that the said Richard Plowman for that end and Purpose, That all the said Lands Tenements Hereditaments and every Part and Parcel thereof with every of their several appurtenances might be for ever continued and put in feoffment for Town Land.  And for the Just and True performance of the Trust and Confidence in him amongst others reposed. And for that the same may still continue from time to time and forever hereafter remain to such Christian and Charitable Uses that are specified is the said Deeds, he the said Richard PLowman.  Hath granted enfeoffed an confirmed, and by these presents, do the fully and Clearly and absolutely grant enfeoff and confirm the said William Plowman Gent; Richard Estall, William Billingham, Richard Cooke the younger. John Adkins the younger, John Stawton the younger, Richard Mawby the younger, Richard Gibbs, William Gibbs, John Brayfield, Thomas Tew and William Plowman son of the said Charles Plowman their heirs and Assigns.  All and singular the said lands Tenements and Hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtenances commonly called known and used as Town Lands. Situate lying and being within the Town-fields or Parish of Blisworth aforesaid.  That is to say One haedland continuing by Estimation, One acre and three Roods lying and being in the South field of Blisworth aforesaid and Shooting East and West and being between Ramwell and Gully furlong. And One half Acre land lying in the said South field in Fishware furlong the land in the tenure of John Adkins on the one side,the Land of John Brayfield on the other side, And the One Acre lying in a furlong called Gunock Stile.  William Plowman on the West Richard Dove on the East, And one other land containing by Estimation half an Acre lying on Street furlong in the North field of Blisworth aforesaid between the Land of Richard Estall on the one Side, and the Land in tenure of Richard Dove on the other side.  And one other land containing by Esimation half an acre lying in Middle Street furlong in the said Northfield between the Land of Richard Plowman in the Street on the one side, And the land in the tenure of Edward Denton on the other side, And two land are lying together in the East field upon Green way furlong containing by estimation One Acre, between the lands in the tenure of Thomas Tew on the one side and the Land in the tenure of Thomas Dingley on the other side, And one other piece of Ground being half acre Lay lyeth on Clift Hill in Blisworth aforesaid between the lands in tenure of Thomas Tompson alias Plowman on the one side and the Land and tenure of William Elward on the other side.  One other piece of Pasture Ground containing by Estimation two Acres lying on Green Hades. Clift Hill on the South and the furlong below Green Hades on the North. And another piece of Grass Ground called Palmers Baulk, the furlong called Upper Palmers Baulk on the West and Nether Palmers Baulk on the East.  One other parcel of Pasture Ground called street furlong hades Gayton.  Inclosure on the West and Street furlong on the East. And also all and singular other the Messuages Tenements houses Lands Leys hades and parcels of Ground, with their and every of their appurtenances in Blisworth aforesaid where of and wherein they the first recited feoffees did or ought to have stood seised to the uses specified in the said Deeds, or which he or any other of the said feoffees did use and imploy according to the true meaning hereof. And all Commons Profits Commodityes there unto belonging. To have and to hold. All and singular the aforesaid Lands Tenements and hereditaments and all other the premisses and all other Premises before specified and every part and parcel thereof.  And all the commons profits and Commodities there unto belonging or in any wise appurtaining unto the aforesaid. William Plowman Ricard Eastall, William Billingham, Richard Cooke the younger, John Adkins the younger, John Stawton the younger Richard Mawby the younger, Richard Gibbs, William Gibbs, John Brayfield, Thomas Tew and William Plowman son of the said Charles Plowman their heirs and Assigns. And the heirs and Assigns of them and every of them.  To the uses intents and purposes herein after expressed. And to and for none other use intent or purpose, that is to say to the repair of the Parish Church of Blisworth aforesaid to the relief of the Poor and needy People within the said Parish, And to such other good and Charitable uses and purposes limited and appointed by the first doners thereof and as by the said Feoffees their heirs or Assignes or the main part of them or the survivors of them on the greater part of them shall be thought fitting.  And so for ever to be Deemed accounted and reputed to be Town land and forever to be held and used to and for the uses aforesaid.  And it is hereby intended and mutually agreed unto that it shall, and may be lawful to and for the said feoffees or the greater part of them and their heirs to let set or demise to any person or persons.  All or any part of the before recited premises for the term of One and twenty years, to the best value and highest rate that shall bona fide be offered for the same either at a yearly rent or for a sum of money in the name of a fine or for Both and that the Rents fines revenues and profits, thereof yearly arising and increasing out of the same, shall be by the said feoffees or the greater part of them from time to time be bestowed imployed and disposed to uses herein before expressed and then they the said feoffees and their heirs and the survivors of them and their heirs shall every year upon the Feast day of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel yield up and make a true and perfect Account of all every and of the profits Rents and revenues of the same and of every part and parcel thereof to a Public Assembly of the Inhabitants of Blisworth aforesaid in the Parish Church there immediately after Evening prayer.  And for because and to the intent that all the premisses herein before specified and every part and parcel thereof should for ever continue and be to the uses before in these presents expressed according to the true Intent and meaning of the charitable givers thereof and not to be misemployed or Converted to any private use through any Corruption or Covetousness of any of the surviving feoffees.  It is therefore covenanted concluded and fully agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that when it shall please God to take out of this mortal. Life so many of the said feoffees parties to these presents, that there shall not be above the Number of Six of them living then they surviving and their heirs and the Heirs of the survivors of them if any of them shall be dead shall and will upon reasonable request to them or any of them to be made well and sufficiently conveyed and assure enfeoff and confirm all and singular the before recited premisses and every part and parcel thereof unto twelve of the Best reputed and Substantialest Inhabitants and chiefest Men within the said Parish of Blisworth for the time being or to their or some of their Children who shall by virtue thereof stand and be Seised of an absolute estate in fee simple and their Heirs.  To the uses intents and purposes before in these presents expressed and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever.  In Witness whereof the said Richard Plowman hath to these presents set his hand and seal the day and year first above Written.

R Plowman

Parcels are then listed as:

1 Acre 3 Roods  
1\2 Acre  
1 Acre           Palmers Baulk.  
1\2 Acre        Street Furlong  
1\2 Acre  
1 Acre 1\2 Acre  
2 Acres  


(4) Blisworth Change of Trustees only for the Lands  1696.

  To all Persons to whom these presents shall come.  I Richard Plowman of Blisworth in the county of Northampton Gent.  Surviving Feoffee of the lands and tenements of Blisworth aforesaid formerly given and put in feoffment by several deeds thereof made to divers feiffees in Trust to be for ever to continue as Town-Land, To the uses specified in the said several Deeds. That is to say, to the repair of the Church of Blisworth aforesaid, to the relief and Sustenance of the Poor and needy,  People there and to other good and laudable and Charitable uses in Blisworth aforesaid.  I the said Richard Plowman by my Indenture bearing date the day before the date hereof in performance of the Trust and confidence in me amongst others, reposed and for that the same may Still from time to time forever hereafter remain continue and be to such Charitable uses specified in the said Deeds.  Have granted infeoffed and confirmed unto William Plowman of Blisworth aforesaid Gent.  Richard Estall, William Billingham, Richard Cooke the younger.  John Adkins the younger, John Stanton the younger, Richard Mawby the younger, Richard Gibbs and William Gibbs all Inhabitants of the Town of Blisworth aforesaid.  John Brafield son of Edward Brafield of Blisworth aforesaid Yeoman, Thomas Tew son of Richard Tew of Blisworth aforesaid husbandman and William Plowman son of Charles Plowman of the South in Bliswoth, aforesaid husbandman.  All and Singular the said lands, tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their Appertenances commonly called known and used as Town land situate lying and being within the town fields and parish of Blisworth aforesaid.  Particularly in and by the said Indenture named and expressed. To hold all and Singular the said land, Tenements and hereditaments and other the premisses and all the commons profits and comodities thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining Unto the said William Plowman, Richard Estall, William Billiinham, Richard Cooke the younger, John Adkins the younger, John Stawnton the younger, Richard Mawby the younger, Richard Gibbs, William Gibbs, John Brafield, Thomas Tew and William Plowman son of the said Charles Plowman their Heirs and Assigns and the heirs and Assigns of them and of every of them. To the uses intents and purposes in the said Indenture expressed. Now know ye That I the said Richard Plowman for divers good causes and considerations me here unto moving.  Have made constituted ordained appointed and by these presents do make constitute ordain and appoint and in my place put John Adkins the elder of Blisworth aforesaid husbandman my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to Enter into the said lands and tenements with the Appurtenances herein before mentioned to be granted or into any part or parcel parts or Parcels thereof in the name of the whole or in the name of any part or parcel parts or parcels thereof and full and peaceable possession Seisin thereof in the name of the whole or in the name of any part or parcel parts or parcels thereof for him the said Richard Plowman and in his name to take and after such, full and peaceable possession, and Seisin so had and taken then full and peaceable possession and seisin thereof or of some part and parcel, parts and parcels thereof in the name of the whole or on the name of any part or parcel, parts or parcels thereof to deliver unto the said Richard Estall, John Adkins the younger in the name of the rest of the said Feoffees or their certain.  Attorney or Attorneys there unto lawfully authorized, To hold according to the Tener purport form and effort of the said Indenture Ratifying and by these presents confirming whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do herein as if the same had been personaly done by myself.  In Witness whereof I the said Richard Plowman have hereunto set my hand and seal the first day of July Anno Domini 1696.  And in the Eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord William the Third by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland.  King Defender of the Faith.  

Sealed and delivered in the presence of

Elizabeth Plowman  
Richard Plowman  
The mark of Ann  X  Packwood  
Wm. Smith.